I wonder why..sometimes kids are really annoying especially when we ask them to brush their teeth.. A lots of reasons will come out from their mouth..Like..
Me: ello kids..Ello..gosok gigi..cepat..cepat..Akid: Dah gosok dah semalam mummy so hari ni tak payah lah...Yana: Gosok gigi 2 saat boleh tak, takpun lepas makan karang Yana gosok..Anaqi: gosak daHHhH (ntah gosok ke ntah..)Afiq: Nak ocok igie...(Afiq memang suka gosok gigi)..
or do we have to train/teach them since they babies?

I have
4 kids with varieties of tooth brush... n normally Yana tooth brush akan lebih "outstanding" compared to the rest...(mak die yang excited sesangat tak leh tgk barang Barbie yang comey..hehehe)..so u can see kembang..kuncup...my kidsnyer tooth brush..I will change every two months...

And also 4 types/flavors of tooth paste..make sure tahap fluorin/clorin (betul ke)..sesuai dengan peringkat umur anak..

This is common scenario every morning..where Akid will shout n cry..I have to motivate and
help him to brush his teeth...(mesti Kak Yah jiran I tertanya..why every morning cam ada peperangan yang dasyat didalam bilik air) kahkahkah

Afiq..will "GULUM-GULUM" his tooth brush and he don't want me to "KACAU" especially when he brush his teeth...
so...either I like it or not...I have to face this situation/phenomena (haha) almost every morning..tarak kesah janji gigi anak-anakku cantekk..dah gigi Mummy die tak cantek..haiya..
Afiq memang suka kulum berus gigi.. aritu kena sergah ngan saya kulum sikat rambut Yana lagi.. ayoyo...
ReplyDeletehaha..afiq si gulum kulum..hahah
ReplyDeleteIn the event that you are a smoker, or consistently drink red wine or utilize some other vigorously shaded substances routinely, your more white teeth will become stained again more rapidly. Confident Ortho