Potty untuk Afiq

Mummy: Afiq sit here...bila nak "yak-yak"
Afiq: tak nak..nak yak dalam pampers Amir (ni die merujuk kepada pampers drypers yang best fren die selalu guna kehkeh)
Mummy: Abis tu kalau Afiq tak nak duduk mummy kasi kat abang Akid ya..
Afiq: Kasi Akidla mummy..die tu tak malu...(loghat bahasa pelat die)...
haha..suka-suki jer kutuk abang die tak malu...tapi biasanya anak2 I umur 3 tahun onwards teacher kat sekolah dah train tak pakai pampers..so hopefully tahun ni la..so jimat sikit duit belanja bulanan...huhu
Potty untuk Afiq
Reviewed by AyuArjuna BiGoshh
January 12, 2010

halla cutenye potty dia~!
ReplyDeletecongrats ayu..eh..scanlah page mami baby yg ada ur family pic tu...nak tgk!!!
ReplyDeleteshifa- memang cute tapi si Afiq tu tak nak gunapun...dah jadi barang perhiasan kat stor jer...huhu
ReplyDeletesuzz- insyaAllah kena scan opis...rasanya 2 kali I hantar gambar yang sama..dua kali dapat untuk isu bulan yang berlainan
lawa potty dia...sayang plak nak guna utk yak yak kui3x
ReplyDeletemasalahnya Yatie lepas yak2 cam geli nak basuh...haha
ReplyDeleteWhat is a potty training chart? It is a chart which can help you and your child track his progress when teaching him to go tot the potty. The principle behind it is based on a positive rewarding process. So each time your son/daughter goes to the potty successfully, he will get a fun sticker that indicates his success clearly and for everyone to fuss about. Susan Nipa
ReplyDeleteWhile often considered a childhood affliction, bed wetting is a condition that many teenagers also face. This article covers the root causes of teen bedwetting as well as some methods that can help minimize or eliminate the problem. Susan.N
ReplyDeleteMost parents have to deal with a rather difficult problem of having a child that still wets they bed at an older age than usual between the ages of 5-12. This article will help you find out and understand the subject of bedwetting a little better. Susan.N