Best Bits of Project Alpha Season 1

Pic: from Jojo Struys. com (so pretty.."like"her baby face)
This show was hosted by Jojo Struys, and being aired @ and daily for 7 weeks started on 18 September 2009.
"simple guy...with smart style"

"Sensasi dan terkini"
Not only discuss about artist, movie preview, gossiping about other people life, gadget..sometimes you also can join any contest organized by Mr. Buddy which offer you with very attractive prize....

Amazing mother with 2 kids and caring hubby (the Red Daddy aka Mr. Sirman)..Love shopping, eating, make up thingy and many more.....and the more important fact.."she is so obsessed with the red things"...hahah

everything about her seem so cute...

"Marilah bergosip secara berhemah"
Blog Hiburan Sensasi Dan Terkini Tentang Artis Malaysia !
From the tagline obviously show that this blog is about artist..
Bergosip secara berhemah...adoilahh..:)
Many readers will give a feedbacks every time after he published something in his blog.

"She is so sweet with adorable eyes..."
Her postings are so simple...and honest

"sexy man with daring posting...and posing also...hahaha"
Now for this year 2010...Project Alpha 2 will premiere on 19 April and we can catch the show on when it airs.
Can't wait to watch the 7 bloggers who’ll be featured on Project Alpha Season 2

Best Bits of Project Alpha Season 1
Reviewed by AyuArjuna BiGoshh
March 03, 2010

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