DIET Cafe' ~ Do I Eat Today?
Last Thursday i pergi Cheras Business Centre atas urusan kerja. Actually ni kali kedua i ke sana & memang kawasan Cheras i tak biasa so selalunya kalau tempat 'asing' & masa mengizinkan, i akan spend my time to look around (read: mengular) hahaha... Anyway, setelah selesai urusan i pun jengjalan cuci mata sambil cari tempat nak lepak. Then, nampak restoran DIET Cafe'... Woh? Jual makanan Diet-kah? Not my kind of place tapi mood sangat baik hari tu (sbb paginya hujan setelah seminggu tak hujan eh?) so i decide nak masuk & tengok apa menu org diet makan wahahaha...

Kat ujung tu kaunter... Time i datang tu around 11 a.m so restoran ni nampak kosong jek (maybe sbb time kerja & belum lunch hour kot?)... Apa2 pun i memang tak suka tempat yg sesak & ramai orang, really appreciate peace & quiet with nice atmosphere... feels very cozy & make me want to enjoy my time there as long as i can!!!

So gedebak-gedebuk lepas tax kenalah RM20.90... I bayar ngan senang hati sebab i really like the atmosphere plus the foods was good. What more can i ask?Hmmm... Cuma 1 je i rasa kurang... MY WIFE YG KECOH takde time tu hehehe... Definitely i will come again with her! Minus my kids sbb takut 'gegar' 1 restoran nanti wahahaha...
P/s: Cepat2 posting ni takut my wife edit lak hahaha
DIET Cafe' ~ Do I Eat Today?
Reviewed by Hermit
July 16, 2011

dedet- hek eleh, nak makan DIET2 lah tu, wahahahahah, jangan lupa bawak saya makan kat sini ye... :p
ReplyDeleteooo..hsbd ayu rupanya
ReplyDeleteMulanya akak terkeliru 'MY WIFE YG KECOH', bukankah ayu ni pompuan *#%&^**@#?
ReplyDeleteRupa2nya hsbd yg menulis, hehehe
ingatkan ayu yg tulis entry ni heheh part last baru tau en zul yg tulis rupanya heheh
ReplyDeletehermit tulis eh?? :-)
ReplyDeletesekali sekala hb pun nak tulis gak ek..fuhhh boleh tahan..sekali breakfast kena RM20 lebih..banyak tu
ReplyDeleteila- hermit tu my hubby :)
ReplyDeleteumialya- hahahah, ko main syok my hubby tu kutuk bini sendirik heheheh
mz- gaya menulis ada sikit persamaan kan :p
ezz- a'ah...salah seorang contributor yang tak berapa nak contribute hehehehe
kak ina- mahal kan kak...mentang2 en hubby sorang boleh ler melayang RM20 klu 7 owang...menconggak lah kat situ heheheh
actually makanan kat situ ada gak yg murah (sket)... banyak choice western foods. Kalau jenis appreciate good atmosphere utk bersantai then no prob... rileks2 sambil take your time enjoying the foods... :)