Next Top Model Asia Musim Ke 4
Penny Tan, Marketing Director, FOX Networks Groups
Pemenang utama AsNTM S4 akan membawa pulang sebuah kereta Subaru XV serba baru serta menjadi wajah/duta produk TRESemmé 2016. Selain itu berpeluang menjadi model penghias muka depan di majalah berprestij BAZAAR Harper Singapura, dan akan diterbangkan ke Eropah bagi mewakili salah satu agensi-agensi model dunia yang paling berprestij- Storm Management Model.
Dan good luck buat peserta dari Malaysia, Tuti!!!!!!!!!
Saksikan beberapa posed hebat tuti yang menggayakan koleksi dari Zalora :)
Dari kiri - Pink Fong (Marketing Manager, Maybelline Malaysia), Vineet Puri
(Territorial Head, Malaysia, FOX Networks Group), Anna Nishaburi (Head of PR
and Partnership, Zalora Malaysia), Kelly Tandiono (AsNTM 4 Model Mentor), Tuti
(AsNTM Contestant), Kiriat Argenio (Marketing Head, Zalora Malaysia), Penny Tan
(Marketing Director, FOX Networks Group) diAsNTM Preview Party
Cindy Bishop, Host
With over 20 years’ experience in the modelling and entertainment
industry, Cindy is set to bring a new level of expertise, energy and glamour to
the show as this season’s host. Originally from Thailand, Cindy
was the 1996 winner of Miss Thailand World.
Since then, she has dominated the fashion and media scene, gracing
covers of magazines and runways as well has film and television screens across
Asia. She has been the face of numerous
prominent global brands; was a top VJ for Channel [V] and is one of the most
sought-after hosts in the region for both live events and television.
Cindy has also starred in many local movies
and television dramas and has a role in the upcoming Hollywood film All I See
is You set to come out in 2016.
Cindy Bishop, Host
With over 20 years’ experience in the modelling and entertainment
industry, Cindy is set to bring a new level of expertise, energy and glamour to
the show as this season’s host.
Originally from Thailand, Cindy
was the 1996 winner of Miss Thailand World.
Since then, she has dominated the fashion and media scene, gracing
covers of magazines and runways as well has film and television screens across
Asia. She has been the face of numerous
prominent global brands; was a top VJ for Channel [V] and is one of the most
sought-after hosts in the region for both live events and television. Cindy has also starred in many local movies
and television dramas and has a role in the upcoming Hollywood film All I See
is You set to come out in 2016.
Model Mentor Kelly Tandiono bergambar bersama Tuti
Next Top Model Asia Season 4 akan ditayangkan pada Star World dan Star World HD (Saluran ASTRO 711 & 722) pada setiap hari Rabu mulai 9 Mac 2016 jam 9 malam.
Best wooo!
Next Top Model Asia Musim Ke 4
Reviewed by AyuArjuna BiGoshh
March 10, 2016

Tuti tu melayu ke....heheheh...apapun suka tgok rancangan ANTM yg Tyra Banks anjurkan tu...
ReplyDeleteparizan-- aah melayu rasanya...tapi englist sangat hebat :) blh pegi world wide
ReplyDeleteAyu pun suka gak layan ANTM nie..but Asia punya..kena tgk peserta gak..kadamng2 banyak sgt drama dia.. kalau yg Tyra tu...memang best pun layan juga citer ni....mmg byk drama, dlm setiap season mesti ada sorang yang cam diva perangai dier hahaha