Lego Star Wars Days 2017
Bersempena dengan ulangtahun yang ke-40 Star Wars, LEGOLAND® Malaysia Resort telah menganjurkan LEGO® Star Days Wars ™ . Ianya antara sambutan ulang tahun yang terbesar untuk tahun ke-4. LEGO® Star Wars™ Days 2017 akan berlangsung selama 34 hari bermula dari 28 April 2017 sehingga 31 Mei 2017.
Dengan pelbagai aktiviti menarik dan menghiburkan untuk seisi keluarga. Antara yang menarik seperti:-
(in english version)
1. Immerse Yourself in the Epic Battles through LEGO® Star Wars TM Miniland ‘Live’
The largest LEGO® Star Wars™ MINILAND Model Display is the only one of its kind in Asia, where models are built with over 1.5 million LEGO® bricks. The exhibit is made up of seven rooms each depicting scenes from each Star Wars™ movie, in chronological order. In LEGO® Star Wars™ Live, guests can look forward to the most avid storytelling experience at LEGO® Star Wars™ Miniland with the Model Citizens who are specially dressed in Star Wars™ costumes.
2. Join the Largest Imperial March in the Region (13 th & 14 th May only)
Over 100 Star Wars™ characters marching down the streets of LEGOLAND® Malaysia is definitely a sight to see. But what if you could be a part of it? The Imperial March will be led by the most devout fans of the Star Wars™ universe – 501 st Legion and Rebel Legion – setting up an intense clash of the dark and light side. What is truly remarkable is that guests have a once in a lifetime chance to make a true memory by participating in the huge march as well!
3. Take a Picture with Our Dancing Stormtroopers
Put your dancing shoes on as you’ll find dancing Stormtroopers and Star Wars™ characters around the park. The cutest Dark Lord himself, LEGO® Darth Vader, will make special appearances so be sure to take a picture with him if (and it’s a big if!) you get the chance to. Also, endless photo opportunities with Star Wars™ characters including Jedi, Storm Troopers and Princess Leia will start on 29 th of April and continue for subsequent weekends.
4. Remember the Toughest Princess in a Galaxy Far, Far Away
LEGOLAND® will be hosting a commemorative session to honour the People’s Princess – the toughest galactic princess ever.
5. Dig Deep into Your Star Wars™ Memory Chest at the Star Wars™ Trivia Hunt
Prove your Star Wars™ worth by embarking on an awesome Star Wars™ scavenger hunt in LEGOLAND to solve our special quiz.
6. Spot the Stormtrooper
Take a good hard look on our Model Citizen’s vests. If you spot a Stormtrooper minifigure, you get to
redeem a mystery prize at the admission counter.
7. Become the Jedi Warrior of Your Dreams in Jedi Academy
This should be everyone’s dreams. You’ll get your chance at LEGOLAND®. Let our Master Jedis train you to master the force at the Jedi Academy. Young Padawans who prove their skills and master the Force will be presented with an awesome LEGOLAND® Jedi Academy Certificate.
8. Be a Star Wars™Jetsetter with Our LEGOLAND® Star Wars™ Passport
The passport will be given to all of our younger guests, who need to collect stamps from all LEGO® Star Wars™ Days activities such as giant R2D2 build, Star Wars™ World build, Trivia Hunt, Jedi Academy and Speed Building competition. The lucky Padawans who collect all stamps will stand a chance to redeem it for a special commemorative brick – awarded on a first come, first serve basis.
9. Help us build a LEGO® Star Wars™ mural
A huge LEGO® Star Wars™mural lies in LEGOLAND® Hotel and we need only the bravest galactic artists to help us complete it. *Only for LEGOLAND® Hotel guests.
10. Star Wars™ Movie Nights
An ode to the original Star Wars™ films, LEGOLAND® Hotel will be screening the first two episodes of the epic Star Wars saga every night from 9.30pm onwards.
Bersempena dengan ulangtahun Star Wars ™ , LEGO® akan melancarkan LEGO® Star Wars ™ Classic yang terbaru. Anda boleh dapatkan koleksi Star Wars terbaru ini dari Legoland Malaysia!
Antara koleksi terbaru Star Wars seperti:-

Bagi kanak-kanak yang berpakaian seperti karektor Star Wars kemasukan adalah PERCUMA ke Legoland. Untuk keterangan lanjut sila layari
Jom ke Legoland bulan Mei ini!!!
Lego Star Wars Days 2017
Reviewed by AyuArjuna BiGoshh
May 03, 2017

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