Jangan Lupa Untuk Tonton Monster Beach Bersama Anak-Anak!
Yesszaaaa. Sepanjang cuti PKP ini bolehlah saya ajak anak-anak tonton animasi Monster Beach di Cartoon Network (Astro Ch 615 HD / 635) yang bermula pada hari Sabtu 25 April 2020 jam 6.30 petang.
Sneak Peak review:
Written and produced in Australia, it’s animated by Inspidea, aMalaysian-based studio behind other Cartoon Network originals such as MightyMagiswords. Cartoon Network’s Monster Beach followsthe frightfully funny adventures of surf-siblings Jan and Dean.
Enjoying anendless summer vacation, they have a monster good time on the islandof Iki-Iki hanging out with their laidback uncle and a bunch of mischievous,thrill-seeking monsters. Together with their new fiendish friends, they cruise around inhopped-up hot-rods to unravel the mysteries of a local surf legend and preventthe bad guys from ruining their fun. Monster Beach ismuch more fun than your typical tropical getaway. After all, life’s a realadventure when your friends are misfit monsters.
Secara personal saya suka akan jalan cerita animasi ini iaitu menekankan aspek kekeluargaan dan setia bersama rakan yang baik. Selain itu, animasi ini memang berwarna-warni. Ianya sangat cantik dan tidak jemu menontonnya,
So korang! Jomlah join challenge sekali. Ajak anak-anak menari atau bermain muzik dan sebagainya bersempena dengan tayangan perdana Monster Beach Sabtu 25 April 2020, 6.30 petang di Cartoon Network, Astro saluran Ch 615 HD / 635.

Jangan Lupa Untuk Tonton Monster Beach Bersama Anak-Anak!
Reviewed by AyuArjuna BiGoshh
April 23, 2020

monster beach is popular in kids. the children are watching this show full of enjoyment. when I was reading about monster beach and try to watch video so I stuck in middle of video and showing buffering so I connected with a vpn. I got it from VPN for Raspberry Pi there with gets gift on it. now I can watch it without any kind of trouble.